Student Activities
The Warrick Education Center operates under the philosophy that we are all a family. Students and staff address each other on a first-name basis, show mutual respect, and participate in activities outside the classroom. In our unending charge of meeting the needs of our at-risk students, WEC offers the following programs:
Community Service
Here at WEC, we encourage our students and staff to become involved in community service projects. We have written many grants to secure the funding for such projects and the students provide the labor. Past projects have included painting the bathhouse and picnic tables at the Newburgh Park, applying mulch at the Fortress of Fun at the Newburgh Park, raking leaves for the elderly, conducting street sweeps to pick up litter, and constructing a Freedom Fountain to honor our servicemen and women.
WEC provides an on-sight nursery for the children of our students. The nursery was funded by community organizations and individuals. Volunteers from the community staff the nursery each day and have become an invaluable part of our school. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact 812-858-4309.
Other Activities